jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Green App Machine
It is easy to get excited about the idea of making money by creating your own mobile app. However, the reality is that you do need a good idea or at least an idea that other people will find useful or entertaining. So take a look at the types of apps people are currently using. If there is some part of your daily life that you could improve with an app then other people will most likely benefit as well. Also, what kind of things seem to be entertaining people these days. The truth is that app all tend to fall into a few categories. Once you figure out what category you want to work with it is a little easier to get started.
App Builder Software for Games and Time Wasting Apps
With today's technology you don't need to have a game system any longer to waste time playing games. Our mobile devices have become a new alternative to playing game and just having fun. So not surprisingly there are a lot of apps that help us pass time by just entertaining us. These apps usually have fun and colorful graphics and some sort of "storyline" to help move the action along. They also take advantage of current technology to make the game fun to play.
App Builder Software for Productivity Apps
Productivity apps tend to fall into two general categories:Everyday and Professional. Everyday productivity apps help you with things like grocery lists, chores and to do lists. Professional apps help you with specific work related task. It may be organizing sales calls or files. More than likely the professional productivity app will be specific to the profession. So for example it could be an app that helps a dentist office keep track of office appointments and the purpose of each visit. The specific details in the app would only apply to a dentist office.
App Builder Software for Weather, News and Travel Apps
Some apps aggregate convenient information like news weather and travel. You can take advantage of GPS features to know exactly where someone is and feed them the local weather, travel and news. These location based apps can be very useful.
App Builder Software for Notifications
One of the most convenient apps you can build are notification apps. These can be useful in so many situations. Pizza stores can tell you that your pizza is ready. Dentists can remind you of your next appointment time. Just about any thing that involves a schedule or something that needs to be done at a certain time can benefit from a notification app.
App Builder Software for Social Networking
Ask any teenager and they will tell you that the number one way to stay in touch with their friends is through social networking. However, even teenagers admit that there are an increasing number of social networks they have to stay on top of. All of this makes social networking increasingly difficult. But a well developed app that combines several of your favorite social channels into one communications app can make your life much easier. As a result you will see and increasing number of social apps designed to pull together things like Twitter and Pinterest into one app interface.

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