jeudi 31 juillet 2014

App Store Optimization Training Course
In doing some recent research regarding the effectiveness of internet marketing sites, specifically, their tactics and strategies for getting traffic to their website, I've come up with one inescapable conclusions. Let me illustrate it by this joke:
Father walks in to the bathroom and finds his young son in the bathtub playing with himself. He says, "Son, if you keep doing that, you'll go blind." The young boy looks up and replies, "Dad, I'm over here."
My point is, all the supposed optimization gurus tell you to do the same dang thing. It tells you that to effectively optimize your site, that you must use key-word rich text.
What the heck does that mean? Well, in a nutshell, it's telling you to use words when writing your article that best represent the product or service you're trying to sell. If you are peddling a product that is going to cure the common cold, then use words like "flu" or "miracle cure", basically key words or phrases that are tied very closely to your website's theme. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, it is except that when taking a closer look at your overall layout, design, and flow of your website, you come to realize that there is an incredible amount of repetitive text! After awhile, even the dullest of minds out there will start to notice that you've just found 10 different ways to say the same thing and that you've wasted 10 minutes of their time that they'll never get back.
Does this sound familiar?
"Read further about a great on-line business opportunity". "Secure a new path to financial freedom by trying this amazing new turnkey program."
It has now become so telegraphed that I can now anticipate what they're going to say next. Their formulaic idea is to tug at the reader's different emotional compartments with the chance that you compel action from them by hitting on just one of them. Things like fear, anger, frustration, hope, curiosity, ambition, and greed, are the birthplace of millions of "clicks" that drive the internet marketplace.
I honestly thought that the net was supposed to have a nobler calling than this. Instead, it turns out to be just a big playground with a bunch of small kids following a bunch of big kids. Whoever comes up with a crafty new way to optimize their site subsequently publishes an e-book for $49.95, sells the idea, then everyone else dives in, not realizing that they are playing the role of the "sucker" (i.e. paying the fee). Yep, I was even caught up in this as well, diving in with a couple of purchases.
Yes, I am also looking for my share of the pie, the financial freedom that has eluded me for most of my life. However, it pains me to see that the internet's power to help individuals achieve financial security comes down to schlepping some website in the hopes that you'll get someone to click on a link.
If some pioneer can come up with a more interactive, more revolutionary method for individuals to commercialize their communication, I think it will go a long way towards making the internet more appealing to the layman and creating more diversified true global bartering system where both sides of the transaction benefit.
How bout this? Every 10th sale is complimentary to any individual who can show that they are money challenged. Better yet, lets have an on-site training program where internet gurus can show those who are less fortunate the ins and outs of the biz, and show them how to participate in the advent of the on-line economy.
We need voice activation, video, and web access all converged onto simple to use portable devices that gets us all the information we want at our fingertips. For instance, I can dictate my thoughts verbally into my PDA, which in turn stores it in a document format, attaches it to my e-mail and, when I'm ready, sends it off to a group address list, which of course, I can activate via voice access.
See? Revolutionary. These are the kind of killer apps I'd like to see, because it's COOL. Oh yeah, and if you're boss is listening, it'll make you more productive, too.

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