jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Best Mobile Website Maker
Mobile phones are emerging as one of the most popular browsing gadgets in the world. Since many people are always on the go, it is hard for them to make time to browse on their computers or laptops. Therefore, the best solution for them is to go online using their internet enabled mobile phones. Unfortunately, most mobile phones do not display regular websites well. Sites that were designed for desktop computer browsers are too large to display on a phone's small screen. It is very hard for one to read the content on websites designed for the desktop. In addition, most websites contain special effects and large image files that take a long time to load in most mobile phones.
So, what is a business owner to do if he wants a mobile website but has a tiny budget? You can easily build your own mobile website when you have the right information and tools. The first thing that you need is to get a domain name for your mobile site. You can opt for domain names. To get a domain name, go to a domain name registrars like Godaddy or do a search online for 'buy domain' or something similar. A domain name will cost you about $7-10 depending on the provider and the type of domain that you want to buy. Purchasing the domain name will require you to have a valid credit card.
If you already have a domain for your non-mobile website, you won't need to buy an additional domain name. You can create a sub-domain called 'mobile' or just 'm'. In that case, your mobile website would be accessed by going to '' or ''.
The best and easiest way to build your own mobile website is to use software to do it. You can find plenty of good software by doing a search for 'best mobile website maker' or something similar.
Make sure your mobile site software automatically creates tabs for you mobile site. Tabs allow you to display your most important information as soon as visitors come to your page. Also, it is important to get software that has a one time payment and does not require you to pay a monthly fee, this can really add up over time.
The best mobile website making software will also allow you to add a banner if you have one or to skip it if you don't. Having an image designer create a banner for your website can be quite expensive.

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Easy Home Surveillance
High-technology gadgets nowadays are seen everywhere you will go. It can be seen displayed in malls, on your friends' bags or locker, or even on your own hands. Seldom are the people who don't have their own gadgets on themselves because even students or younger children have already owned one, or more.
Cellphones, laptops and digital cameras are one of the most famous gadgets used by many recently. Maybe for others these things are only accessories for them, or just let the whole world show that they have all these gadgets on their own and mean nothing at all. But some bought these things because it can help them from their work and business flow easier. Not just to display them. Instead, it can help the research of the students faster than before, businessmen who were so busy but can still manage to work on the go, etc.
Since these gadgets were made for our own convenience and we're tempted to buy them because of their enticing features, burglars are also there waiting for their time when to break into your house and get all those stuffs from you. Or if you have a simple business like a grocery store, you cannot abstain from thieves coming in and out of your store getting all the items they want without even bothering to pay you. What else do you expect? They're thieves! They're notorious to that.
To avoid those things to happen, you need a surveillance camera inside your house or on your grocery store. Make use of your gadgets, take its advantages.
Easy Home Surveillance is a software that will allow you to view your webcam from anywhere with the use either of your cellphone or computer. The possible uses of these gadgets are to prevent theft, to watch employees, to catch cheating spouses, for covert operations, or simply to monitor a nanny or caregiver when you're not at home says Jim Stauffer, the home surveillance pioneer and founder of the Easy Home Surveillance System.

The App Shortcut
One of the most common problems that we face is a crashing program. No matter how much the laptop's batteries and slow internet connection irritates you, crashed programs beats them all. This article will help you to know how to force close a crashed program which remains stuck.
Force Closing a Crashed Program Using Keyboard Shortcuts
Quitting a crashed program using keyboard is one of the most basic and the easiest way.
  1. To quit a crashed app, press 'Option+Command+Escape' simultaneously. On your keyboard, you can find the 'Command' button located on the bottom-left, 'Alt/Option' on the bottom-left (next to Command button) and 'Escape' on the upper-left corner.
  2. By pressing down the 'Option+Command+Escape' keys simultaneously, your system will load a 'Force Quit App' window. This window will show you a list of programs running. The program, next to which you see 'Not Responding', is the one which has crashed. Select the crashed program, and then click the 'Force Quit' button. After you complete these steps, within a few seconds your system will close the unresponsive program.
Force Closing Using Apple Menu
If somehow you fail to quit an unresponsive application, then do not worry. You still have other options to do so. Once you fail to close a crashed app using your keyboard, you can try force closing by using 'Apple Menu'. To force close using 'Apple Menu', follow these steps:
  1. At the upper-left corner of Mac screen, you will find the 'Apple' icon. Click on that icon.
  2. By clicking on it, your system will load a drop-down list. With a number of other available options, select 'Force Quit' from that drop-down menu.
  3. After you select to forcefully close the app, the system will directly lead you to a 'Force Quit App' window. In this window, look for the application next to which 'Not Responding' is written. Select that application and then click 'Force Quit'.
  4. Within seconds of clicking this option, your system will forcefully close the crashed program once you press the.
Force Close Using Dock
Another way to force close a crashed application is to quit it using the dock. Just hold the 'Option' key and then right-click on the app's icon. Your system will immediately lead you to a small window with some options. From that small window's list, select 'Force Quit', and your system will forcefully close the unresponsive application.
Note: Before you forcefully quit any program, double-check if the unresponsive program is still frozen or not as sometimes while opening the 'Force Quit' window, the program un-freezes on its own.
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App Store Optimization Training Course
In doing some recent research regarding the effectiveness of internet marketing sites, specifically, their tactics and strategies for getting traffic to their website, I've come up with one inescapable conclusions. Let me illustrate it by this joke:
Father walks in to the bathroom and finds his young son in the bathtub playing with himself. He says, "Son, if you keep doing that, you'll go blind." The young boy looks up and replies, "Dad, I'm over here."
My point is, all the supposed optimization gurus tell you to do the same dang thing. It tells you that to effectively optimize your site, that you must use key-word rich text.
What the heck does that mean? Well, in a nutshell, it's telling you to use words when writing your article that best represent the product or service you're trying to sell. If you are peddling a product that is going to cure the common cold, then use words like "flu" or "miracle cure", basically key words or phrases that are tied very closely to your website's theme. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, it is except that when taking a closer look at your overall layout, design, and flow of your website, you come to realize that there is an incredible amount of repetitive text! After awhile, even the dullest of minds out there will start to notice that you've just found 10 different ways to say the same thing and that you've wasted 10 minutes of their time that they'll never get back.
Does this sound familiar?
"Read further about a great on-line business opportunity". "Secure a new path to financial freedom by trying this amazing new turnkey program."
It has now become so telegraphed that I can now anticipate what they're going to say next. Their formulaic idea is to tug at the reader's different emotional compartments with the chance that you compel action from them by hitting on just one of them. Things like fear, anger, frustration, hope, curiosity, ambition, and greed, are the birthplace of millions of "clicks" that drive the internet marketplace.
I honestly thought that the net was supposed to have a nobler calling than this. Instead, it turns out to be just a big playground with a bunch of small kids following a bunch of big kids. Whoever comes up with a crafty new way to optimize their site subsequently publishes an e-book for $49.95, sells the idea, then everyone else dives in, not realizing that they are playing the role of the "sucker" (i.e. paying the fee). Yep, I was even caught up in this as well, diving in with a couple of purchases.
Yes, I am also looking for my share of the pie, the financial freedom that has eluded me for most of my life. However, it pains me to see that the internet's power to help individuals achieve financial security comes down to schlepping some website in the hopes that you'll get someone to click on a link.
If some pioneer can come up with a more interactive, more revolutionary method for individuals to commercialize their communication, I think it will go a long way towards making the internet more appealing to the layman and creating more diversified true global bartering system where both sides of the transaction benefit.
How bout this? Every 10th sale is complimentary to any individual who can show that they are money challenged. Better yet, lets have an on-site training program where internet gurus can show those who are less fortunate the ins and outs of the biz, and show them how to participate in the advent of the on-line economy.
We need voice activation, video, and web access all converged onto simple to use portable devices that gets us all the information we want at our fingertips. For instance, I can dictate my thoughts verbally into my PDA, which in turn stores it in a document format, attaches it to my e-mail and, when I'm ready, sends it off to a group address list, which of course, I can activate via voice access.
See? Revolutionary. These are the kind of killer apps I'd like to see, because it's COOL. Oh yeah, and if you're boss is listening, it'll make you more productive, too.

Green App Machine
It is easy to get excited about the idea of making money by creating your own mobile app. However, the reality is that you do need a good idea or at least an idea that other people will find useful or entertaining. So take a look at the types of apps people are currently using. If there is some part of your daily life that you could improve with an app then other people will most likely benefit as well. Also, what kind of things seem to be entertaining people these days. The truth is that app all tend to fall into a few categories. Once you figure out what category you want to work with it is a little easier to get started.
App Builder Software for Games and Time Wasting Apps
With today's technology you don't need to have a game system any longer to waste time playing games. Our mobile devices have become a new alternative to playing game and just having fun. So not surprisingly there are a lot of apps that help us pass time by just entertaining us. These apps usually have fun and colorful graphics and some sort of "storyline" to help move the action along. They also take advantage of current technology to make the game fun to play.
App Builder Software for Productivity Apps
Productivity apps tend to fall into two general categories:Everyday and Professional. Everyday productivity apps help you with things like grocery lists, chores and to do lists. Professional apps help you with specific work related task. It may be organizing sales calls or files. More than likely the professional productivity app will be specific to the profession. So for example it could be an app that helps a dentist office keep track of office appointments and the purpose of each visit. The specific details in the app would only apply to a dentist office.
App Builder Software for Weather, News and Travel Apps
Some apps aggregate convenient information like news weather and travel. You can take advantage of GPS features to know exactly where someone is and feed them the local weather, travel and news. These location based apps can be very useful.
App Builder Software for Notifications
One of the most convenient apps you can build are notification apps. These can be useful in so many situations. Pizza stores can tell you that your pizza is ready. Dentists can remind you of your next appointment time. Just about any thing that involves a schedule or something that needs to be done at a certain time can benefit from a notification app.
App Builder Software for Social Networking
Ask any teenager and they will tell you that the number one way to stay in touch with their friends is through social networking. However, even teenagers admit that there are an increasing number of social networks they have to stay on top of. All of this makes social networking increasingly difficult. But a well developed app that combines several of your favorite social channels into one communications app can make your life much easier. As a result you will see and increasing number of social apps designed to pull together things like Twitter and Pinterest into one app interface.

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